Top of the evening, to everyone. Hopefully, 2017 has been treating you well and you have been making all your dreams a reality. As I have been traveling in this journey called life, it dawned on me that instead of checking others, sometimes we need to check ourselves. As we begin to grow in our journey,periodically we need to check ourselves. SO, here is what I am talking about. Many times we are awaiting someone's else approval of what direction that our life should be taking, instead of self evaluating for ourselves. Let;s be honest, there is someone out THERE, waiting for you to FAIL!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!! But I am here to tell you to don't fall for the hype. Continue to follow your dreams, remain humble and live unapologetically. Besides, we only have one life to live so why not enjoy and love what you are doing. So, here is the little details on my outfit. I wore this outfit in Las Vegas. My entire outfit was purchased at Hibbett Sports. But here is the kicker, this entire outfit was off the clearance rack. The NIKE shirt was originally $35.00 and I coped this steal for $21.97 and the NIKE pants were originally $55.00 and I scored these for $23.97. I also got my AIR MAX on sale for $49.99. So comment below and tell me what are some of your favorite sports wear brands. Talk to you in my next blog. MIKSTANG LIVING
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